Monday, February 8, 2010

Where has all the running gone?

So all you astute readers may have noticed that there hasn't been a running update here recently. Well, that's because there sadly isn't much of one. About a week ago, I developed a shin split in my left leg. It got pretty painful and was even hurting when I wasn't running. I decided the best course of action was just to stop running for a week. Let me tell you that wasn't a fun decision.....

So for the past six days, I've been resting. I've spent a lot of time icing my leg and taking Advil and doing a lot of yoga and pilates to try and keep my muscles well stretched. It seems as though it's getting better. And now, a week later, I'm getting antsy for running. So tomorrow I'm going to give it a shot--just a few miles and hopefully all will be well and I can get back to my regularly scheduled training.

If any of you have any experience dealing with shin splints (this is my first time with this problem) I'd love to hear your advice. Or if you just have any motivational or inspirational words, I'll take those too. As a hint, if you want to really motivate me, you can make a contribution to my running cause here (remember--all money goes to research to fight childhood and adolescent obesity--yay!)

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