Thursday, February 25, 2010

Marathon Training--Bode Miller style

So after all the soda tax conversation here, I thought I'd give a little running update. The short version--training is going well. The slightly longer version is as follows.

I've had a pretty good week running-wise. On Sunday, I did 14 miles with the Tufts crew, and felt pretty good. This was followed by a really good 7 miler Tuesday. Tuesday was the kind of day where I set out to just do 5ish, and ended up feeling so good that I did more.

But back to Sunday, for the past several weeks, my runs at Tufts have included "the Hill." Here's a little bit about "the Hill." While I didn't run it for the first month or so I was running at Tufts, I kept hearing people talking about "running up and over the hill" but I didn't really know what they were talking about. I saw this hill as I was running, but it was super steep and I kept thinking to myself "there's no way that's the hill they are talking about, it's crazy to make people run that!"

And then, one day in January, I realized that yes, that hill I had been seeing all along was in fact "the Hill." It's about 2 miles long, super steep at first before becoming a bit less steep and more rolling as you get towards the top. The first time I ran it, I thought I was going to just kept going. But then, as I kept running it each week, it started getting easier and easier. And this past week, I actually started to enjoy it. Weird, I know.

It helps that when you get to the top, our wonderful Tufts coach is there, taking a ridiculous number of pictures and providing water, Gatorade, mini cookies and jelly beans to fuel us up for the rest of the run. To the right is a picture of me and my running buddy Ann making our way up the last part of "the Hill"--determination at its finest.

For those of you wondering about the title of this blog post, Thursday is usually a running day for me. But today, instead of running, my wonderful mother and I went skiing at Cannon Mt in New Hampshire, which just happens to be Bode Miller's "home" ski mountain. Despite the questionable weather--it was a great day. I don't know if skiing all day is entirely the same as a run, but my legs sure are tired!

PS: Thank you very much to everyone who has supported me in my fund raising efforts for the Boston Marathon--I really appreciate all your generosity! I still have more to go--so please visit and help me make each and every mile count!


las said...

yes, skiing was fun and wet. We even skied down Bode Miller's favorite trail without going under any rope.
Excellent cross training,
Your wonderful mother

K said...

Is that hill what is known as "Heartbreak Hill"?

Also, I think it's time for you to send your wonderful mother some "pretty pretty" flowers. Don't you?

Miriam said...

K--no this is not Heartbreak Hill, just a hill that is near Tufts on the route that we often run. I am going to be attacking Heartbreak Hill for the first time this upcoming week--I'll let you know how it goes!