Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Believe I Can Fly

More good news on the running front--I ran 11 miles on Sunday with no pain in my shin! Hooray!! My new plan involves taking Advil before running and continuing with my icing/yoga routine. Hopefully this will be the last you hear of shin splints attacking me. With just about two months left until the marathon, I am beginning to up my mileage--I think I will shoot for 14 this coming weekend. I also have two more scheduled runs on the marathon course itself--I'm looking forward to these as a way to prepare myself for what marathon day will bring. And finally, I believe I will be ready to run 26.2 miles on April 19...this training program is making me feel very confident in my abilities!

A friend recently asked me how I can possibly run in the winter when it's so cold. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I actually prefer running in the cold. When I trained for the Marine Corps Marathon a few years ago I trained all summer and that was HOT. Very very hot, like walk outside and start sweating at 6am hot. I prefer winter, you can always just put more layers on. For example, on a recent very cold run, I wore running tights with another pair of workout pants on my legs. On my upper body, I wore a long sleeve running shirt, a lightweight fleece and a windbreaker. And I finished it all off with a hat and two (yes two) pairs of gloves. I actually stayed quite cozy, except for my nose. If anyone knows how to keep my nose warm while running, I'd appreciate that knowledge.

A preview for the next blog post--I'll be talking about why I am vehemently against a soda tax as a way to combat obesity...look for that in a few days. If you have any subjects you want me to write about in my semi-intelligent way--preferably running or obesity/public health related, just let me know. I'm happy to take requests. And since my mother managed to post a comment (thanks Mom!!!) I know you all can too. It'll make me happy to know you actually make it to the end of these blog posts.

(Oh yeah, and if you want to make me really happy, please help me make every mile count and support me in my quest to run the Boston Marathon--visit: http://www.tuftsmarathonchallenge.com/runners/miriamst. Your support will be very much appreciated!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YaY!! You better bet we are going to finish this marathon! I hope the run this morning went well! ~B