Thursday, April 8, 2010


We've now reached what is arguably the most important part of marathon training--the taper. The tapering period is basically where you drastically reduce your mileage and spend a lot of time resting. Now Miriam, you might say, that seems crazy! How is it possible that resting is the most important? Isn't running lots of miles more important? Well, while building a base by running lots of miles is important, so is tapering. During the taper period, all those little aches and pains that have cropped up during the training start to go away. You really get a sense of just how fit you are. And when marathon day arrives, you are well rested and ready to go!

Of course, like any aspect of running, tapering isn't all fun and games. I feel extremely antsy--to go from running 25-30 miles a week to running about 10-12 is hard. It gives me a lot of extra energy. The reduction in running also means that I no longer need to eat quite as much as I have been---another (sad) change. But mostly, with tapering comes the anticipation, and then knowledge that Marathon Day is getting closer and closer. Things start to creep into my mind like what will I wear, what will the weather be like and will I hit the dreaded wall? One of the biggest challenges for me is not letting the doubts creep into my mind.

Despite all that bad stuff, I do feel good. I feel incredibly fit and ready to take whatever the Boston Marathon course will throw at me. And it is due in no small part to all of you and your wonderful support! Several of you have asked how you can follow me during the Boston Marathon to track my progress. I'm looking into this and will report back with options early next week.

Lastly, even though the hard training is over, the fundraising is not. It's not too late to donate and support me in my quest to run the Boston Marathon! You can donate at: As I've mentioned before many times, your donation of even $10 will be very much appreciated!

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