Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Heartbreak, You (Didn't) Get the Best of Me

Ok, yes, I butchered a classic song, but it's been stuck in my head all day. But today was a big day--I had my first taste of the infamous Heartbreak Hill. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Boston Marathon course, it overall is a net downhill. But starting at mile 16, there are a series of hills, culminating in what is known as Heartbreak Hill just after mile 20 before the course begins to go back downhill towards Boston.

I'd been curious about this hill since I started training for the Boston Marathon and have definitely wanted to check it out before the actual race day. The Tufts group had a long run on the Boston Marathon course this past weekend, but I couldn't attend. But since I'm currently on spring break, and didn't have class today, I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to give the hills a try. So off I went.

After a somewhat torturous T ride out to Newton, only increasing my hatred of the Green Line, I arrived at Riverside station and found my way to Commonwealth Ave and headed back in the direction of Boston. I went up one smallish hill, then another. Then a bit later, I went up a slightly longer hill, but still nothing too bad. I was still waiting for this Heartbreak Hill. Then, all of a sudden, I was at Boston College heading downhill. I realized that that last hill was in fact, Hearbreak Hill. And it wasn't that bad. Now, we'll see how it is after running 20 miles, but at least I know I can do it!

I had hoped to do 16 miles today, but it wasn't in the cards. I've had a slight cold the past few days and once the cold meds started to wear off, running became more difficult. I pushed through it a bit, but then bailed out. When I got home, I mapped it out and found out that I had done 13.5 miles. Not the best, but not too shabby.

Perhaps most excitingly, I got to wear shorts to run today! Maybe possibly spring is coming!

Thanks again to all of you who have contributed to my marathon running effort! I still have a ways to go though, so I would appreciate any help that you can give. You can visit to contribute.

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